ASSET can be further divided into 2 parts:
1. NON-CURRENT ASSET : Asset that can not be turned into money within one year
2. CURRENT ASSET : Asset that can be turned into money within one year
Component of Non-Current Assets:
1. PROPERTY, PLANT, AND EQUIPMENT(PPE) : Tangible asset that can be used to generate profit and last more than one years. Examples are building, equipment, machinery, furniture and land.
2. CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS : Buildings that are in the process of constructing.
3. INVESTMENT PROPERTY : Property that are used to receive rental income or value appreciation and not used for production or administration purpose.
4. INTANGIBLE ASSET : Asset without physical appearance. Examples are patent, license, trademarks.
5. GOODWILL : When company acquired another firm, the different between buy price and the excess value of that firm(asset-liability) is goodwill.
6. FINANCIAL ASSET : Financial security that will not be sold within one year. Examples are bonds hold for maturity.
7. DEFERRED TAX ASSET : Tax that had been paid more in the past or tax incentive that can be used for tax reduction in futures.
Components of Current Assets:
1. INVENTORY : Goods that will eventually be sold to customers. For example: raw materials , work-in-progress and finished goods.
2. TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES : Money owed by customers to company.
3. PREPAID EXPENSE : Expense that had been paid in advance but not been used.
4. MARKETABLE SECURITY : Financial security that can be changed into cash within one year. Examples are stocks, bonds, bank notes, treasury bills.
5. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS : Consists of cash and deposits in banks.
*Further Info
how about the shares buy into treasury?